P J's Notes

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Sukiey and Me...

Last night when I got home from work, I found Chris and then we went up to my apartment. She wanted to come up and check on Sukiey - see how she was doing since she's been living with me or is it that I'm now living with her?!

When we opened the door and went inside, we called her. She immediately came out from her "hidey-hole" and let us pet her and play with her. Chris showed me how to use the wand thing to play with her.

Then, later, after Chris left, I laid down on the couch and was watching TV. I was waiting for 24 to come on. Well - Sukiey jumped up on the couch and settled down on top of me. She made herself comfortable and became a "purring machine". She stayed there - when it was time for me to get to bed, I had to nudge her to get her to move so I could get up!

She got in the bed with me - although she didn't stay all night. She is becoming more and more content - Chris said it was obvious to her that Sukiey is bonding to me and that she's a much happier cat in my apartment.

This morning Sukiey got up when I did and waited for me to put some of the canned food down for her - then she got busy eating it while I went to take a shower and get ready for work. When I left, she was up in her "hidey-hole" as I could see her tail hanging down.

I'll try to check on her at lunchtime if I can - or I may wait till later in the afternoon, after the mail has run and go pick it up and take it upstairs. Depends on how things go around here.


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