P J's Notes

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Some time has passed between the last entry I made prior to the entry concerning the EE Banquet. So, let me bring things up to date...

Since that time, I've had a couple of doctor visits - of the checkup variety. Nothing serious there.

I've also been enjoying Sukiey's company and companionship. She is a beautiful, sweet and loving cat.

Saturday morning (5/13) became real interesting...Chris woke me up to get ready for the newspaper gig. Well, I walked out in to the living room and noticed a piece of paper on the floor by the door - it had been pushed through from the outside. I went and picked it up and read it - it was from my neighbor directly below.

I was on the phone to Chris - got a problem! The problem was that my bathroom was leaking into hers. I went and tried to turn the valve off but couldn't because I wasn't strong enough. Chris came up and brought Malcolm with her (the security guy). He got it turned off, then went and talked with the lady downstairs; then he went to notify the manager.

I called the answering service and set the wheels in motion for maintenance. A plumber showed up and checked the bathroom out - he thought it was the valve, so he replaced it; that didn't correct the problem. Turned out the tank was cracked. So - he headed off to Home Depot to buy a new toilet for my bathroom.

The manager stopped by before leaving to go to her standing beauty shop appointment. She was glad to know things were being taken care of.

The plumber came back and changed out the toilets and got everything put back together, then a maintenance guy came with a wet/dry shop vac and vacuumed the water up off the bathroom floor. He also checked out the downstairs apartment and said it would have to wait till Monday and it dried out.

Since I had cleaned out the bathroom, I found that I had space for Sukiey's litter box, so I moved it there and showed her where I had put it. I wanted to use the closet space where I had the litter box for storage. Sukiey has accepted the change in the location of her litter box.

Sunday evening Chris and went to Wal*Mart and one of the things I got while there was a new bath mat. It has a rubber back to it so Sukiey can't push it out of the way like she could the old one. It's also "animal themed". I like it and Sukiey hasn't tried to claw it.

Well - starting this week (Monday) James and I began working nightshift and will for the next few weeks. I'm not super thrilled, but I'll deal with it. Sukiey seems to be figuring out that I'm working nights - when I came in this morning, she was hyper and excited to see me, but settled down so that I could sleep.


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